Nordic additionsAdditionaly to the colors defined in the global profile the Nordic market also use its own ‘Red Nordic’ and ‘Blue Nordic’. The red is used as the bright part of the TUI button gradient but also in other cases when the red needs to be on top of for example darker images. The blue is primarily used as the link color for better readability but we have also started to use it as the background color in the subnav to be able to use white text on to that needs this improved contrast for readability.
HEX: #fffGlobal name: TUI-White
Beige 100
HEX: #f3f0ecGlobal name: TUI-Beige 25%
Beige 200
HEX: #e7e3dbGlobal name: TUI-Beige 50%
Beige 300
HEX: #d7d2c3Global name: TUI-Beige
HEX: #737373Global name: TUI-Grey
HEX: #000Global name: TUI-Black
HEX: #aad700Global name: TUI-Green
HEX: #ffe100Global name: TUI-Yellow
Red 300
HEX: #fa1119Global name: Undefined
Red 400
HEX: #d40e14Global name: TUI-Red
Red Gradient
HEX: #fa1119 to #d40e14Global name: Undefined
Blue 100
HEX: #e2f3feGlobal name: TUI-Blue 25%
Blue 200
HEX: #c2e6faGlobal name: TUI-Blue 50%
Blue 300
HEX: #70cbf4Global name: TUI-Blue
Blue 400
HEX: #219ed9Global name: Undefined
Blue 500
HEX: #092a5eGlobal name: TUI-Dark Blue
Blue Gradient
HEX: #0d3b85 to #092a5eGlobal name: Undefined
HEX: #b9b9b9
HEX: #dcdcdc
HEX: #0d3b85